
What happens if the apprentice fails the practical observation for the Customer Service Practitioner standard and needs to resit or retake it?

If apprentices fail any of the assessment components, they're eligible for a resit or retake. A resit does not require further learning, whereas a retake does.

A supportive action plan should be prepared for the resit or a retake. Employers must agree that either a resit or retake is an appropriate course of action, and the number of attempts apprentices are permitted when resitting or retaking the assessment is at the discretion of the employer.

In a resit or retake, apprentices will be offered the opportunity to complete their practical observation again, and it must take place within 12 months from the fail notification, otherwise, the entire end-point assessment must be retaken.

Apprentices are not permitted to resit/retake to move from a pass to a distinction.