
What content should be covered in the presentation for the Associate Project Manager standard?

The presentation is based on the portfolio of evidence. The portfolio of evidence is a substantial written submission that the apprentice will complete while on-programme and will submit at gateway. It provides the apprentice with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and behaviours required of them in their day-to-day work.

The evidence within the portfolio will support both the presentation and professional discussion assessments.

This is not directly assessed but will be reviewed by the End-Point Assessor to prepare for the assessments.

There are 17 areas of learning included within this apprenticeship standard, which can be seen in the Standard Specification document.

Before the apprentice begins to collate evidence for their portfolio, they should agree with their employer and On-Programme Assessor on which 15 areas they will include. Of these, they will also decide which five will be the focus of their presentation. The remaining 10 will be the focus of their professional discussion.

When planning the apprentice’s work, the employer should ensure that the apprentice is involved in projects with a broad enough scope to address the chosen learning areas, and that the apprentice will be able to evidence the relevant skills, knowledge and behaviours expected.

The employer and On-Programme Assessor are responsible (where appropriate) for helping guide the apprentice in choosing appropriate evidence for their portfolio. The training provider will provide a framework for the portfolio and provide initial guidance on how to assemble evidence.

The portfolio will need to include self-assessments and achievement logs completed by the apprentice as part of regular performance management with their line manager, as well as any relevant supporting documents.