
What is a portfolio?

While an apprentice is on-programme, they work with their training provider to compile evidence against a list of outlined criteria in order to best demonstrate their occupational competency. This is known as a portfolio (sometimes referred to as a supporting or underpinning portfolio). 

Although a supporting portfolio is not directly assessed, the quality of the content is important as it forms the basis of a professional discussion or interview. The End-Point Assessor will review the apprentice's portfolio to prepare questions and identify particular examples of their work to discuss. 

Apprentices are expected to refer to their portfolio during the interview or professional discussion. They should, therefore, ensure they are fully aware of its contents. 

To help all parties track the contents of the portfolio, apprentices are required to complete a Portfolio Mapping and Tracking Form. When completing this form, it’s important that the apprentice states the exact page or time stamp where the evidence can be found.