Case Study

What happens if the apprentice fails the case study presentation for the Early Years Lead Practitioner standard and needs to resit or retake it?

If the apprentice fails any of the assessment components, they will be eligible for a resit or retake. A resit does not require further learning, whereas a retake does. If the case study presentation component is failed, the apprentice is not required to undertake a new case study. Instead, they should submit an amended case study report or presentation. All assessment methods must be taken within six months, otherwise, the entire end-point assessment will need to be resat/retaken.

Retake and resit grade cap: pass unless TQUK determines there are exceptional circumstances.

Resit timeframe: typically two months.

Retake timeframe: typically four months.

Resits and retakes are not offered to apprentices wishing to move from pass to a higher grade.