Professional Discussion

What documentation should the apprentice prepare ahead of the professional discussion for the Adult Care Worker standard?

The professional discussion is underpinned by the self-assessment document submitted at gateway, where applicable the candidate’s self-assessment and supporting evidence including testimony from users of services and a sample of standardised apprentice questions asked of every apprentice in the interview and the portfolio of evidence, so the apprentice should review both before this component.

The apprentice is allowed to bring notes into the assessment, but they can only be used as prompts for talking points. They can't be used to plan answers in full or be used as scripts and they can't be linked to specific knowledge, skills or behaviours.

All notes must be limited to one sheet of A4 paper (covering both sides) and must be written in bullet points along with the confirmation of the candidate's work email. They must be sent to the End-Point Assessor 24 hours ahead of the assessment. The End-Point Assessor will either approve or reject the notes and will ask for a visual check of the notes again at the start of the assessment.

Further information about using notes can be found in the Apprentice Handbook.