Case Study

What documentation should the apprentice prepare ahead of the case study presentation for the Early Years Lead Practitioner standard?

The apprentice should familiarise themselves with the Apprentice Brief as this contains the criteria that will be covered within the case study.

The case report must be 4,000 words (+/-10% at the apprentice’s discretion) including tables, graphs, and figures, though excluding references and annexes. The apprentice will have 12 weeks to write and submit the case study report and the presentation following TQUK's approval of the case study’s scope and title.

The case study must be based on a real-life workplace situation that involves the apprentice completing a relevant and defined piece of work. The work must have a real benefit to the children or setting the apprentice is working in and may be based on the learning needs of an individual child or group of children over approximately six weeks and how the practitioner has supported, extended, and enhanced their opportunities and experiences in response to these needs.

This should include:

an element of practice that has been observed and is seen to beecting children’s learning and development

evidence of how they have used reflective practice to create change and improve practice

a detailed analysis of the children’s learning and development over the period including observations, assessment, and further planning to evidence the effective use of a planning cycle

a reflection of implications for future practice both for the child/children, the practitioner and the setting.

The list above is not exhaustive and TQUK will sign off the case study subject, working title and scope to confirm its suitability at the gateway (this scoping document should be no more than 500 words).

The case study report will be based on the case study. The case study report should include an analysis of observations the apprentice has made.

The employer should ensure the apprentice has sufficient time and the necessary resources within this period to plan and undertake the work associated with the case study.

Whilst completing the case study, the apprentice should be subjec the workplace’s normal supervision arrangements.

All references to children must be anonymised and children referred to as 'child A' etc.

Parental consent for children participating in the case study must be gained before starting the case study assessment method.

The presentation will complement the report by allowing the apprentice the opportunity to provide more information about the report and to answer questions about it.

The in-depth analysis of the observations and resulting case study report and presentation must be undertaken after the apprentice has gone through the gateway.

The case study report and presentation should be designed to allow the relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours to be assessed for the end-point assessment. To deliver the presentation, the apprentice will have access to:

  • their case study report and case study
  • a copy of their presentation (hard copy or electronic) 
  • notes.