Professional Discussion

What content will be covered in the professional discussion for the Adult Care Worker standard?

The professional discussion is a structured, two-way dialogue between the apprentice and the End-Point Assessor.

The discussion is structured into five sections:

• Apprentice reflection/self-assessment.

• Service user testimony.

• Personal development reflection.

• Care sector.

• Occupational competency and learning amplification.

Apprentices can only apply to undertake the discussion component once the situational judgment test/multiple choice assessment has been achieved. The professional discussion will draw questions and amplifications from prior learning and experience including, where applicable, the apprentice's self-assessment and supporting evidence including testimony from users of services and a sample of standardised apprentice questions asked of every apprentice in the interview.

Once the situational judgement test is booked, the apprentice will be assigned an End-Point Assessor who will provide them with an agenda, which includes more detail around the content of each section, including any knowledge areas from the situational judgement test, which will be explored further in the occupational competency section.