Case Study

What content will be covered in the case study presentation for the Early Years Lead Practitioner standard?

A case study must be based on a real-life workplace situation which involves the apprentice completing a relevant and defined piece of work. The work must have a real benefit to the children or setting the apprentice is working in.

The in-depth analysis of the observations and resulting case study report and presentation must be undertaken after the apprentice has gone through the gateway.

The case study, report and presentation should be designed to allow the relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours to be assessed for the end-point assessment.

The observations, analysis and preparation of the case study report and presentation will typically take 12 weeks. The case study report and presentation must be submitted 12 weeks after the gateway.

Sufficient time has been allowed to enable the apprentice to observe children over typically six weeks and allow for situations where children may leave a setting for any reason.

Parental consent for children participating in the case study must be gained before starting the case study assessment method.