Consultative Project

What content should be covered in the consultative project for the HR Support standard?

For the consultative project, the apprentice will conduct a project in which they work with a customer (most likely an internal one) to deliver a specific piece of HR advice or provide HR solution(s).

The consultative project will be a real example of work done by the apprentice in their role.

Before the gateway, the apprentice will discuss and agree on a project with the training provider and employer. The apprentice will identify issues/problems to base their project upon and choose one of the following Specialist Components to resolve that issue.

 Core HR: take the lead in delivering either an employee relations, performance management or employee engagement initiative to provide a solution to a business challenge.

Total Reward: lead on the implementation and evaluation of an HR project in reward compensation or benefits across the organisation.

Resourcing: lead on the implementation and evaluation of an end-to-end resourcing project.

Organisational Developmentther an organisation development, learning and development or talent management initiative that provides a solution to a business challenge.

HR Operations: deliver a project to improve HR operations, which could include service centre technology and HR data analytics.

As the consultative project will be relevant to the context of their role and the business, it may not be possible for the apprentice to cover all the knowledge and skills assessed within the project report. For this reason, the apprentice may transfer a maximum of three components to be assessed in the professional discussion.

Their project must cover all of the components assigned to this assessment method, excluding any the apprentice has chosen to transfer to the professional discussion. If, during the completion of the project, the apprentice finds that they need to transfer different or additional components (up to the maximum of three), the apprentice must complete a Component Transferral and Rationale document and submit this alongside their completed project. The apprentice must also sign the apprentice authenticity disclaimer with their completed project. However, the apprentice may not transfer the specialist component.