
If I'm an exisiting TQUK recognised centre, what do I need to do to transition my Functional Skills offer?

Making the switch to TQUK is quick and simple. 

1. Get the process underway by confirming with us that you'd like to switch. You can do this by calling 0333 358 3344 (select the Business Development option when prompted) or emailing us at business.development@tquk.org

2. As you're already a recognised centre, we'll have most of the details we need to make the switch. We'll work with AQA to gather anything we don't have and, if there is still missing information, reach out directly to oyu to gather it. 

3. If you're delivering our English SLC component, you'll need to provide access to the first 10 learners you're submitting for observation (either recorded or live)in order to be signed off. 

Find out more about switching your Functional Skills from AQA to TQUK here, or explore our offering in more depth by visiting our dedicated Functional Skills FAQs section.