Exams System

How do you protect against cheating with record and review invigilation?

The exam system has been built with a clear focus on compliance.

When the learner logs on to the system, they are required to conduct a room sweep with their laptop’s webcam. This involves the learner rotating their webcam around the room so that the Invigilator can see that there’s no opportunity for gaining an unfair advantage.

We provide clear guidance (for both learners and invigilators) as to what those exam conditions are and how the room sweep process works, and make the sign-off simple. It’s all done online: Invigilators simply tick a box on the system to confirm the invigilation is complete.

Find out more about switching your Functional Skills from AQA to TQUK here, or explore our offering in more depth by visiting our dedicated Functional Skills FAQs section.