
How quickly will I get Functional Skills results?

Our SLA for results release is six days. You can see details of when these awarding periods are happening on our website to help you plan.

Our SLA for results release is six days. The SLA for paper-based exams begins on the day that the papers are scanned and uploaded to the system, which must be within 24 hours of the exam being taken.

When new assessment papers are released, the SLA for results release will be longer. This is to allow the awarding process to take place (where we use real performance data to set appropriate pass boundaries). This is usual practice across Awarding Organisations that offer on-demand assessments and is the compromise we make to provide round-the-clock access to assessments. Where new papers are being awarded, please allow up to 30 days for results to be released.

You can see details of when these awarding periods are happening on our website to help you plan. For the quickest results turnaround and easiest delivery process, we would encourage the use of our online options.