Exams System

How does online invigilation work?

Online Functional Skills exams are delivered through TQUK’s bespoke system. There are two options for how the exams are invigilated, each with their own benefits.

Online remote: learners can sit their assessments at any time, in any place, with TQUK remotely invigilating through its purpose-built record and review system. Input from centre staff is minimal, perhaps a little moral support for learners setting up their assessment, but we take it from there! System support will always be available by phone or live chat during TQUK office hours (8.30am - 5pm, Monday to Friday), necessary checks and balances are put in place to ensure compliance with exam conditions, and once the exam is complete, the recording to rapidly reviewed by a TQUK Invigilator.

Online face-to-face: learners sit their assessments online in a controlled setting, invigilated by centre staff who then upload the completed documents for us to review and mark. Our team is on hand during office hours to provide support.

Find out more about switching your Functional Skills from AQA to TQUK here, or explore our offering in more depth by visiting our dedicated Functional Skills FAQs section.