
How do I claim a learner's certificate?

To claim a learner through Verve Management Suite, you must ensure they have a "registered" status. You can check this by selecting the Claims/Learners section on the Verve homepage, then search for the learner by first name, surname, or ULN. To the right of each learner's name will be a registration status. Before claiming, please ensure that this shows as "registered".

You can claim learners via the Claims/Learners tab individually or for a group if all learners are to be claimed for the same qualification and combination of units. Select the tickbox to the left of any required learner's name, then select the claim units option to be taken to the claim units page. At the top of this page will list all the learners you selected to claim. Beneath this will be the unit selection list and a credits checker tool. Select the tickboxes next to each learner's name as needed. You can then select the tickboxes next to each unit you would like to claim and select the grade from the dropdown box in the results column. Alternatively, you can select the "mark all mandatory units as passed" option at the bottom of the page. Please be advised that you would still need to select any optional units manually, if using this tool.

Once you have selected all necessary learners, units, and grades, the credit check tool should show the "okay" status for the mandatory and optional units. This will also indicate how many credits are required and how many have been selected. Once you are happy that all information has been recorded correctly, please select confirm units at the bottom of the page. You will then need to agree to the selection, and this will submit the claim for you.

If you require any further assistance with making a claim, please contact our Support Team on or 03333 583 344.