Using EPA Pro

How do I change an apprentice's standard in EPAPro?

An apprentices standard can only be changed before they come through gateway. If an apprentice comes through gateway and it's realised that they are on the wrong standard, the apprentice will need to be withdrawn or removed from the system entirely and then re-registered. If this is the case you will need to contact the Customer Service Team on 03333 583 344 or at

However, if you notice an apprentice is registered on the wrong standard before they come through gateway, you will need to search for the apprentice on EPApro using the 'search for user' box in the top right corner of the screen. Once their name appears you must click on it which will open a tab on the right side of the screen.

When this appears there will be three options under 'apprentice details' and you will need to choose 'edit record'. On this page you will be able to see the apprentice's provider, employer and their standard. Click on the standard box and you will be able to choose the correct standard from the drop down menu. If the apprentice is already confirmed and you have started to upload their gateway evidence you will again need to contact the Customer Service Team so we can reverse the confirmation which will allow you to change the standard.