Scheduling an assessment

How do I book a Functional Skills assessment for my learner?

There is an ‘Examinations Panel’ within Verve Management Suite where you can book an assessment for a learner who has already been registered on their Functional Skills qualification. 

There is an ‘Examinations Panel’ within Verve Management Suite where you can book an assessment for a learner who has already been registered on their Functional Skills qualification.  Booking a learner onto their exam couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is head to this panel and select the learner and assessment that is due to be completed.

To complete the booking, we require:

  • exam date
  • exam time
  • invigilation method
  • invigilator name and email (if applicable)
  • location (if applicable).

Once this has been completed, the learner will be booked in for their exam on our separate exam system.