Learner Registration and Management

How can I change user permissions on Verve as a Recognised Centre?

If you require additional access permissions to your Verve account, you can contact your centre's primary user. If you are unsure who your centre's primary user is, please contact our Support Team by phone (03333 583 344) or via email (support@tquk.org) with the details of who you think this should be; we can confirm if this is correct.

Your super user can view the list of user accounts via the centre profile tab. The primary user should select the centre profile tab, select manage users, select the necessary profile and then edit/delete. This will allow the primary user to select or remove additional access via the tickboxes.

They can also add any new accounts required. They can do this through the following steps:

1. Access the centre profile tab. 

2. Select Manage Users.

3. Create Users. 

They can then enter the staff member's first name, surname, and email address. They can tick the tick boxes to select the relevant permissions. A password setup link will be sent to the account's registered email address. Please check your junk folder, as it may go here.

Alternatively, if your primary user wants to contact our Support Team, we can create this account on their behalf and update it with the necessary accesses.