Using EPA Pro

How do I select an apprentice's preferred Assessment Planning Meeting option in EPAPro?

Three Assessment Planning Meeting (APM) options are available for a range of standards and they can be selected during the gateway submission process.

To help support apprentices and provide an assessment experience that best suits their individual preferences, we provide three options for Assessment Planning Meetings (APMs). These can be selected under the 'Questions' tab of the gateway submission process.

This field is not mandatory so please note that if this section is left blank at gateway submission, we will continue to treat the process as usual, and a full Assessment Planning Meeting will be completed. 

The options available are: 

Full assessment planning meeting 

This consists of a 30–45-minute meeting with TQUK’s assigned End-Point Assessor. It presents apprentices and their Assessors with an opportunity to discuss the entire end-point assessment journey, any support required, reasonable adjustments and special considerations (if this has been approved by TQUK). Following the meeting, all support materials will be sent to the apprentice, along with a Microsoft Teams meeting invitation for all EPA component(s). 

Touch base assessment planning meeting 

This is a 10-minute meeting with the TQUK’s assigned End-Point Assessor. Following the meeting, all support materials will be sent to the apprentice, along with a Microsoft Teams meeting invitation for all EPA component(s).

This method would not be used for a face-to-face assessment or assessments where projects or written formal reports are required.  Apprentices selecting this method must fully understand the assessment methods and expectations of the controlled environment and timings prior to attending the meeting. 

No assessment planning meeting 

This option means that no meeting with TQUK’s assigned End-Point Assessor will take place ahead of any element of EPA commencing. A Microsoft Teams meeting invitation for all EPA component(s) and a copy of all relevant support materials is sent to the apprentice within five working days from gateway acceptance. 

The apprentice must be fully appraised of the EPA process and requirements before choosing this option as part of their end-point assessment. 

These options are in place for the following standards only:  

  • Adult Care Worker 
  • Associate Project Manager 
  • Children, Young People, and Families Manager
  • Children, Young People, and Families Practitioner
  • Early Years Educator  
  • Early Years Practitioner  
  • Lead Adult Care Worker 
  • Lead Practitioner in Adult Care 
  • Leader in Adult Care 
  • Poultry Technician  
  • Poultry Worker  
  • Town Planning Assistant 

            All other standards require a full planning meeting, as per the usual process, due to the nature of the end-point assessment.