
Where does the project presentation for the Team Leader or Supervisor standard take place and who is involved?

The project presentation with questions and answers can be taken face-to-face or remotely, via online means.

Face-to-face assessments typically take place at the employer’s or training provider's premises, and the End-Point Assessor is in the room with the apprentice to invigilate and conduct the assessment.

We use Microsoft Teams for online assessment, so the apprentice should ensure they have downloaded this software and are familiar with how it works. A video conference between the apprentice and their End-Point Assessor is arranged, and their assessor observes them while they take the exam. The session is recorded in full for further reference and quality monitoring purposes.

Whether face-to-face or online, the time and date of the project presentation are agreed upon between the apprentice and their assessor at the assessment planning meeting. Also, at the assessment planning meeting a date for the submission will be agreed upon, and the presentation is submitted directly to the End-Point Assessor.