
Where does the observation for the Advanced and Creative Hair Professional standard take place and who is involved?

The observation and questioning can take place in:

• the employer’s workplace such as a salon

• a suitable premises identified by the Training Qualifications UK (TQUK) (e.g. training provider’s premises).

The Assessment must take place within a realistic working environment.

The realistic work environment must meet the following principles:

• All end-point assessments (EPA) must be carried out under realistic commercial conditions.

• Any potential conflicts of interest must be declared, if the End-Point Assessor is employed by an employer organisation which is also on the End-Point Assessment Organisation's register.

• The space per working area must conform to current health and safety legislation and commercial practice.

• The range of services, professional products, tools, materials and equipment must be current and available for use.

• All byelaws, legislation or local authority requirements that have been set down in relation to the type of work that is being carried out must be taket.

• TQUK should ensure that the assessment location provides all relevant large items of equipment, for example chairs, backwashes plus towels.

• The employer and apprentice are responsible for providing tools and equipment such as scissors, clippers, hairdryers, brushes and the products they will be using.

• All equipment must be in good working