
What should the apprentice prepare ahead of the practical observation for the Poultry Worker standard?

The apprentice is not expected to prepare anything specific, however, through their engagement with the on-programme theory and practical elements, they should have the required ability to meet the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) included in the observational practical assessment.

The observational practical assessment will be conducted at the apprentice's workplace or other suitable location following the multiple choice test.

The training provider will make the End-Point Assessor aware of any limitations in the assessment premises or the available production cycle or process, which would constrain the skills to be assessed at the time of the observational practical Assessment. The apprentice will undertake a practical activity based on their identified specialism.

The apprentice will be expected to complete the activity and demonstrate the core skills and specialist skills assigned to this assessment method. In doing so, will also demonstrate the application of knowledge through their responses to the End-Point Assessor’s questions. Furthermore, in demonstrating the skills, the apprentice will also have the opportunity to show three of the behaviours, as their approach to the tasks is also of vital importance.

A temporary dispensation has been applied to the assessment plan version ST0389/AP01 for this apprenticeship. The dispensation starts from 5 December 2022 and will run until the revised end-point assessment (EPA) plan is published. However, it may be withdrawn if the assessment plan is revised sooner or the dispensation is no longer necessary.

End-point Assessment Organisations (EPAOs) delivering EPAs for the apprenticeship will implement the dispensation as required, supported and monitored by the relevant External Quality Assurance provider. This dispensation will replace the Observational Practical Assessment (OPA) with an extended question and answer (Q&A) session informed by specific video and photographic evidence to set requirements. All EPAOs must deliver the assessment accordingo the dispensation to support comparability for learners.

The video evidence must be comprised of two set tasks that target a range of KSBs that are mapped to the OPA. Each task will require video evidence (up to a maximum of 15 minutes each) and should be captured in the workplace or other suitable environment. The tasks may be simulated where required (e.g. to support seasonal availability) though examples of genuine real-world activities that align with the evidence requirements are preferred where possible. The photographic evidence will support the video evidence by capturing other areas of performance against the KSBs not covered by the two main tasks. The quantity of images will vary depending on the nature of the KSBs being captured. The EPAO must provide clear details of the requirements for each type of evidence (both video and photographic) that the apprentice must capture.

Both the video and photographic evidence must be obtained post-gateway (to avoid any crossover with the portfolio of evidence). All evidence must be submitted to the EPAO 10 days prior to the Q&A session taking place in order to allow appropriate questions to be generated/ selected by the EPAO/ assessor. The video and photographic evidence will be reviewed by both the apprentice and assessor during the Q&A session. The main focus of assessment is the responses (supported by reference to the required evidence) offered by the apprentice during the Q&A session. The Q&A session will be a maximum of two hours (inclusive of reviewing all evidence such as playing the video evidence). The Q&A session may take place remotely.