
What should the apprentice prepare ahead of the practical observation for the Early Years Lead Practitioner standard?

The apprentice must prepare a session plan, including relevant risk assessments before the observation outlining the following:

• “What” opportunities and experiences will be supported (outline of learning focus).

• “Who” is involved (i.e. number of children/children's profiles/parents/guardians/colleagues).

• “Why” these areas of focus for learning have been selected (i.e. how it provides the apprentice with the opportunity to provide coverage of the knowledge, skills and behaviours).

• “When” it will occur (i.e. scheduled date/time).

• “How” the session will be supported (i.e. the probable skills and approaches that the apprentice will use to support and extend the children’s learning).

• “Where” it will begin (i.e. indoors/outdoors).

The session plan must be no more than two sides of A4 in size 12 font. The apprentice must ensure the End-Point Assessor receives a copy of the session plan at least one hour before the observation begins. The session plan itself is not muestions at the end of the observation.