
What is the special dispensation for the observation of the Poultry Worker standard?

A temporary dispensation has been applied to the assessment plan for this apprenticeship. The dispensation started on the 5 December 2022 and will run until the revised end-point assessment (EPA) plan is published. However, it may be withdrawn if the assessment plan is revised sooner or the dispensation is no longer necessary.

Consequently, the observational practical assessment has been replaced with an extended question-and-answer session informed by specific video and photographic evidence to set requirements.

Apprentices are required to collate video/photographic evidence following gateway. This is to avoid any crossover with the portfolio of evidence.


The video evidence must be comprised of two set tasks that target a range of knowledge, skills, and behaviours (KSBs) assigned to this assessment method.

Each task will require the video evidence to be up to a maximum of 15 minutes in length and captured in the workplace or other suitable environment. Examples of genuine real-world activities that align with the evidence requirements are preferred where possible, however, simulation is acceptable where required e.g. to support seasonal availability.

The photographic evidence will support the video evidence by capturing other areas of performance against the KSBs not covered by the two set tasks. The quantity of images will vary depending on the nature of the KSBs being captured.

Both the video and photographic evidence must be obtained post-gateway (to avoid any crossover with the portfolio of evidence).


During the assessment planning meeting, a date for a question and answer session will be agreed. The apprentice must submit the completed tasks 10 days before this date. This is to enable the End-Point Assessor to review the tasks and generate the relevant questions.

The video and photographic evidence will be reviewed by the apprentice and the End-Point Assessor during the question-and-answer session. The question and answer session, which can take place remotely, will last a maximum of two hours (inclusive of reviewing all evidence, such as playing the video evidence).


This assessment is graded as distinction, pass or fail, according to the grading criteria.

To achieve a pass in this assessment, an apprentice must meet all the pass criteria. To be awarded a distinction, an apprentice must meet all the pass criteria and they must demonstrate that, in preparation for the assessment, they have identified and implemented improvements in at least one skill area: as well as the improvement focus in behaviours.

If an apprentice does not meet all the pass criteria, this assessment will be graded as a fail.

We use Microsoft Teams for online assessments, so apprentices should ensure they have downloaded this software and are familiar with how it works. A video conference between the apprentice and the End-Point Assessor is arranged. The session is recorded in full for further reference and quality monitoring.