
What happens if the apprentice fails the project presentation and needs to resit or re-take it?

Apprentices who fail one or more EPA methods will have the opportunity to re-sit/re-take.

Resits/retakes are not to be offered to apprentices wishing to move up to a higher apprentice grade.

A re-sit does not require further learning, whereas a re-take does. Re-sits/re-takes can take the apprenticeship up to 2 months over the initial 5 months allocated for EPA. When receiving notification of a fail, apprentices will receive feedback from the EPAO.

Re-sits of both methods of the EPA are permissible based on the following criteria:

• EPA 1 - Work-based Project with Professional Discussion: If the apprentice fails the project report with professional discussion they are permitted to formally re-submit the report and resit the professional discussion – the number of resubmissions/re-sits permitted is up to the employer. The resubmission of the project to the EPAO and subsequent professional discussion must happen within two months of receiving notification of the initial fail grade. To avoid unnecessary delays/disruption apprentices are permitted to progress onto EPA 2 if they fail EPA 1 overall following the Professional discussion.

• EPA 2 - presentation/Q&A based on the Learning Journal: If the apprentice fails the presentation and Q&A they are permitted to re-sit/re-take this, the number of re-sits/re-takes permitted is up to the employer. This must be re-arranged by the EPAO and held within one month of the original presentation.

EPAOs must ensure that apprentices complete receiving different questions for the professional discussion when taking a re-sit/re-take.

All re-sit/re-takes will also be graded fail/pass/distinction (so no limit to grades on re-sit/retakes) and combined with the grades for the other assessment methods to determine the EPA grade as

per the grading procedure described above.

If an apprentice fails the re-sit/re-take they will be required to re-take the EPA in full after a period of further learning.

In all cases, the apprentice’s employer will need to agree that a re-sit or re-take is an appropriate course of action. Apprentices should have a supportive action plan to prepare for the resit/retake.