Portfolio-based interview

What happens if the apprentice fails the portfolio-based interview for the Business Administrator standard and needs to resit or retake it?

Should the apprentice fail an assessment component, they will be offered a resit or retake for the failed component/s. A retake requires further learning, whereas a resit does not.

The apprentice should have a supportive action plan to prepare for the resit or retake. The employer must agree that either a resit or retake is appropriate. The number of attempts they are permitted when resitting or retaking the assessment is at the employer's discretion.

Timescales for retakes will be decided between the employer, training provider, and Training Qualifications UK, as they depend on the amount of re-learning required.

While there is no cap on a resit/retake grade, the apprentice is not permitted to resit/retake to move from a pass to a distinction.