
What content will be covered in the observation with questioning for the Advanced and Creative Hair Professional standard?

The apprentice must demonstrate two services during the observation.

During the observation, the apprentice follows safe working practices and ensures effective communication.

Post-gateway and before the observation, the apprentice must have carried out an in-depth consultation and complex analysis of the client’s hair and scalp and carried out relevant tests. During the observation, the apprentice should conduct a five minute recap consultation before each service.

The apprentice will be asked a total of four questions. Two questions will follow the precision cut and 2 questions will follow the advanced creative colour conversion.

Services can be conducted in a preferred order.

For the precision cut the client should choose a cut from the apprentice’s collection of looks. The apprentice should include creative sectioning and cutting guidelines using precision personalised techniques. Fashion styling with dressing and finishing techniques should be implemented using relevant products, tools, and ement.

For the creative colour conversion, the client is required to have previously coloured hair (over 30%). The apprentice is to change the depth and tone of the hair. They are to implement creative sectioning to enhance and tone through bespoke creative formulation. Creating colour blending or shading. The apprentice should consider a resolution of problems that might occur.