
What content will be covered in the observation for the Playworker standard?

The apprentice will be observed across the following four areas:

• How they observe play behaviours.

• How they interact with a child and a young person.

• How they interact with children and young people to manage risk for themselves.

• How they handle creating, resourcing and changing play spaces.

These activities allow the apprentice to demonstrate the knowledge skills and behaviours mapped to this assessment method.

The observation will cover the following themes:

• Playwork approach to relationships and behaviours.

• Behaviour contexts.

• Play behaviours.

• Communications

• Creating/resourcing play spaces.

• The benefits of risk-taking.

• Health and safety.

Questioning will take place both during and after the observation. The End-Point Assessor must ask at least four questions. They will aim to remain as unobtrusive as possible, and the questions will be asked during natural stops between tasks and after completion of work. Where clarification is required, follow-up questions wioint Assessor will ask questions about knowledge skills and behaviours that were not observed to gather assessment evidence.