Work-Based Project

What content should be covered in the work-based project for the Learning and Development Practitioner standard?

The work-based project report must focus on the development and implementation of a solution to a real business problem. It should include:

• a summary of the project containing evidence of how it was implemented/delivered at all stages of the training cycle

• appendices providing further evidence of each stage

• the actions undertaken and decisions made

• the delivery outputs achieved.

The delivery phase must include the apprentice delivering the developed solution to real learners; simulated delivery is not permitted. The apprentice may choose the format, such as face-to-face, webinar, e-learning, micro-learning sessions or digital video content. Recording(s) of the delivery must be included as one of the appendices to the report, totalling a minimum of two hours and a maximum of seven hours.

During the professional discussion, the End-Point Assessor will ask the apprentice 8-10 open questions to:

• check the apprentice’s understanding of what was delivered in the project

• test any knowledge, skills and behaviours not evidenced within the project report

• allow the apprentice to reach all grade boundaries.

The apprentice is permitted to bring their project report into the assessment with them for reference.