Work-Based Project

What content should be covered in the work-based project for the Learning and Development Consultant Business Partner standard?

The work-based project report must focus on the development and implementation of a solution to a real business problem. The project will cover how the apprentice dealt with a significant issue facing the business/

sector by describing how they:

• analysed the problem. This should include demonstrating significant consulting with relevant business stakeholders to understand the requirements of the business/team

• conducted relevant background research, e.g. business requirements/implications, learning and development/industry developments, and any regulatory requirements. This should include relevant data analysis and budgetary/resource considerations

• researched and developed options for potential solutions, giving reasoned explanations as to their inclusion or rejection

• collaborated and consulted with colleagues and the business in the development of the agreed solution

• developed the project plan with relevant solutions, looking for impacted populations and implementing change management actions as appropriate

• implemented the solution

• evaluated the solution against the agreed criteria from stakeholders

• evaluated for lessons learnt and factors to improve upon for next time

The project report should include evidence of how the project was delivered and the outcomes achieved. Evidence can be included as appendices, e.g. relevant emails, evaluation forms, evidence of return on investment/expectations, and client feedback.