
What content should be covered in the project presentation for the Business Administrator Team Leader or Supervisor standard?

Apprentices will prepare and deliver a presentation (followed by questions and answers) based on the topic(s) covered within the apprenticeship, as follows:

• Reviewing ways to reduce cost and increase efficiency in a business environment.

• Implementing a performance management process within a team or business unit.

• Supporting your team through a period of change within your organisation.

• Managing a difficult situation within your team.

• Supporting teams to be high-performing.

• Reviewing organisational strategy and culture within the organisation.

• Data management and technologies used in business.

• Reviewing leadership strategies and equality in the workplace.

Apprentices are free to choose the medium in which to present, such as a PowerPoint/Keynote presentation, handouts or a poster.

The presentation should provide a summary of the apprentice’s role as a Team Leader or Supervisor, what they do and how this is relevant to their role and organisation.

The presentation should cover the following elements:

• Identification of the topic areas being covered within the presentation.

• Overview of the activities undertaken relating to the topic area and how these related to their role.

• Results of chosen activity and lessons learned.

• What was achieved as a result of the activities?

Following the presentation, there will be a question and answer session that will typically last up to 30 minutes.

The End-Point Assessor has the discretion to extend the total assessment time by up to 10% to allow the apprentice to finish their final answer or point. No new questions will be asked after the time limit has been reached.

During the question and answer session, the End-Point Assessor will ask a minimum of five questions, with one question from each of the following groups:

• Team Building and Development.

• Communication.

• Organisational Culture and Strategy.

• Problem Solving.

• Data Analysis.

The purpose of these questions is to confirm the apprentice’s understanding of their presentation and how it demonstrates the relevant KSBs, allowing the apprentice to achieve the highest possible grade. The End-Point Assessor may also ask follow-up questions to seek clarification.