
What content should be covered in the presentation for the Learning and Development Practitioner standard?

The presentation must cover three examples from the apprentice's learning journal that best demonstrate:

• how the apprentice developed their Learning and Development practice and how the apprentice may do things differently as a result, and/or

• how the apprentice developed their understanding of best practices in that area.

The learning journal must be developed by the apprentice during the course of the programme.

Apprentices will need to make entries as learning events or activities take place, including but not limited to:

• attending a meeting.

• designing learning.

• delivering or attending training.

• observing colleagues.

• attending coaching sessions.

• providing coaching sessions.

Apprentices may also record feedback from others, such as emails, recordings, or written statements, in the apprentice’s journal.

Apprentice’s learning journal must also include a regularly updated summary, such as a heat map, which shows their own assessment of their starting point and progression towards meeting each of the knowledge, skills, and behaviours (KSBs). A learning journal and heat map template in Excel format is available to download from EPAPro for this purpose.

The apprentice and the employer must also sign the declarations of authenticity on the learning journal cover sheet.

The training provider will submit the apprentice’s learning journal, a heat map and cover sheet at gateway. The apprentice’s learning journal will not be directly assessed. However, the apprentice is required to choose three examples from their learning journal to use as the basis for their presentation. The End-Point Assessor will also review the apprentice’s journal to prepare for the presentation and Q&A.