
How long should the project for the Town Planning Assistant standard be and what is included?

As the occupation of Town Planning Assistant can be based in the public or private sector, in any area of town planning, the project may, therefore, be based on any of the following:

• Developing or assessing a specific site (e.g. an application or pre-application proposal).

• A planning policy area (e.g. gathering data and researching a strategic or development management policy or issue within a local or neighbourhood plan or similar statutory document).

• A planning issue (e.g. gathering data and assessing an improvement to a planning administration procedure or business process).

Once the project scope has been approved, the apprentice will submit the project eight weeks after gateway. The project has a word count of 4,000 words (+/-10%).

The training provider will submit the apprentice's project subject, scope, and title at gateway. At the assessment planning meeting, the End-Point Assessor will either approve the project scope or provide the apprentice with feedback and a resubmission date. This will be a maximum of one week following the assessment planning meeting. If the apprentice is required to resubmit the apprentice’s project scope, please send this directly to the End-Point Assessor.