Consultative Project

How long should the consultative project for the HR Consultant Partner standard be?

For this assessment, the apprentice will conduct a project in which they work with a customer (likely an internal one) to deliver a specific piece of HR advice or provide HR solution(s). Once the project scope has been approved, the apprentice will have a maximum of three months to complete their consultative project. The project should be 5,000 words (+/-10%). The training provider will submit the apprentice's project synopsis at the gateway. At the assessment planning meeting, the End-Point Assessor will either approve the project synopsis or provide the apprentice with feedback and a resubmission date. This will be a maximum of one week following the assessment planning meeting. If the apprentice is required to resubmit the apprentice’s project synopsis, it should be sent directly to the End-Point Assessor. If, during the completion of the consultative project, the apprentice needs to transfer different or additional components (up to the maximum of three), they must complete a component transferral a rationale template and submit it alongside their completed project.