
How long does the project presentation for the Business Administrator standard last?

As a part of the end-point assessment, the apprentice will be required to deliver a presentation to the End-Point Assessor. The apprentice’s presentation will last 10-15 minutes. The presentation should demonstrate how they approached the task and the skills shown in doing so, building towards how they would improve the results going forward. At the assessment planning meeting, the End-Point Assessor will set the apprentice a specific question which they will need to cover within their presentation. The apprentice will have 2 weeks to add this to their presentation, and this is then submitted directly to their End-Point Assessor.

The question and answer session will follow the apprentice’s presentation and it will last 10-15 minutes. No new questions will be asked after the time limit has been reached.

A short break of up to 10 minutes may be taken between the presentation and question and answer session to enable the End-Point Assessor time to review the questions they identified in light of the presentation the apprentice has delivered.