
How long does the presentation for the Team Leader or Supervisor standard last?

The presentation and questions will last 50 minutes, plus 10% at the End-Point Assessor's discretion if required. The presentation will typically last for 20 minutes and the questioning will typically last for 30 minutes to provide scope for the apprentice to demonstrate their full competence. The discretionary additional 10% time can be allocated in any proportion across the presentation and questioning.

If the presentation lasts longer than 20 minutes this will result in the question and answer lasting less than 30 minutes to ensure compliance with the total assessment time of 50 minutes. A short break of up to 10 minutes may be taken between the presentation and question and answer session to enable the End-Point Assessor time to review the questions they identified in light of the presentation the apprentice has delivered.

The title for the presentation will be set at the assessment planning meeting, following a discussion with the apprentice and their End-Point Assessor. Once the title of the presentation has been set, the apprentice has two weeks to prepare and submit a copy of the presentation materials, such as slides or handouts directly to their End-Point Assessor, and within four weeks of the title being set, the apprentice will deliver the presentation to the End-Point Assessor.