
How long does the practical observation for the Early Years Lead Practitioner standard last?

An observation with questions involves an End-Point Assessor observing and questioning the apprentice undertaking work, as part of their normal duties, in the workplace. This allows for a demonstration of the knowledge skills and behaviours through naturally occurring evidence. The observation must be of the apprentice completing their usual work, and simulation is not permitted.

The total time for the assessment on the day is 90 minutes. This will include:

• observation of the opportunities and experiences outlined in the session plan. (60-minutes)

• questioning, to allow the End-Point Assessor to understand the reasons behind the apprentice’s actions and to provide an opportunity to draw out further detail regarding the knowledge skills and behaviours mapped to the assessment method. (30-minutes).

The End-Point Assessor has the discretion to increase the time of the observation by up to 10% to allow the apprentice to complete their last task or respond to a question. The discretionary additional 10%can be allocated in any proportion across the observation and questioning.

If unforeseen circumstances beyond the apprentice’s control prevent the apprentice from carrying out the task as planned, for example, a safeguarding incident arises and takes priority, then Training Qualifications UK’s policy around exceptional circumstances ap