
How long does the observation for the Learning Mentor standard last?

The observation includes two Learning Mentor sessions with a minimum of two different learners, totalling 120-minutes, with a potential variance of 10% depending on the needs of the learners being mentored by the Learning Mentor apprentice.

Following the Learning Mentor observations, the End-Point Assessor will question the apprentice in order to clarify any specific sector/specialist practice(s) arising from the observation (e.g. “Why did you take that approach?”) or to address skills or behaviours that may not have been apparent (e.g. “What would you have done if there was a safety issue here?”)

The duration of the questioning relates to any clarification required around the knowledge, skills or behaviour, and will therefore be specific to each Learning Mentor observation and each apprentice. Questioning, where needed will not exceed 10% (12 minutes) of the total time of the observation. The Learning Mentor observations represent a total of 64% of the end-point ass