
How long does the observation for the Learning and Skills Mentor standard last?

The observation takes two hours. It may be split into discrete sections held on the same working day. The End-Point Assessor can increase the time of the observation with questions by up to 10%. This time is to allow the apprentice to complete a task or respond to a question if necessary. The End-Point Assessor must observe one, live 30-minute mentoring session.

The apprentice must provide the End-Point Assessor with two 30-minute recordings of mentoring sessions.

Recorded mentoring session requirements:

• Sesions must take place after the gateway.

• Sessions must be recorded after the gateway.

• Sessions may be with the same, or different, mentees.

• Mentor and mentee must be visible in the recording.

• Audio-only recordings will not be accepted.

Recorded and observed mentoring sessions may be one-to-one mentoring or group mentoring, reflecting the apprentice’s typical practice.

Questions will be asked after the observation. The time allocated for questioning is 30 minutes and the End-Point A ask at least five questions.