
How long does the observation for the Learning and Skills Assessor standard last?

The observation must take 90 minutes and it may be split into discrete sections held on the same working day to cover:

• two 30-minute live observations

• 30 minutes of questioning.

The purpose of the questioning is to clarify information observed during the assessment and to allow the apprentice to add depth and detail to their evidence against the knowledge, skills and behaviours.

Questions must be asked after the observation.

The time allocated for questioning is 30 minutes.

The End-Point Assessor must ask at least five questions.

The End-Point Assessor must ask questions about knowledge, skills and behaviours that were not observed to gather assessment evidence. These questions are in addition to the set number of questions for the observation and should be kept to a minimum. The End-Point Assessor can also ask questions to clarify answers given by the apprent