
How long does the observation for the Lead Practitioner in Adult Care standard last?

The observation method should last a total of 75 minutes. This should typically be comprised of 60 minutes of direct observation of the agreed activity, followed by 15 minutes of post-observation questioning. The End-Point Assessor has the discretion to increase the total time of the observation and questioning by up to 10% to allow the apprentice to complete their last point.

The post-observation questioning session must take place on the same day and in a suitable and private location. The End-Point Assessor will ensure appropriate security measures are in place to avoid misrepresentation.

The questioning session will be conducted on a one-to-one basis, away from the group activity which the apprentice was observed leading.

The End-Point Assessor will ask a minimum of three questions based on the leadership activity they observed. They may ask additional questions to seek clarification on points which may not have been clear.

The employer, apprentice and End-Point Assessor must comply with the requirements of the GDPR and all other safeguarding duties.